

Tank / Shorts

Who is up for a Push-Up Challenge!?

So often when I am writing a new Workout Wednesday post that involves me creating workouts or sharing descriptive details of what I do on a daily basis, I wonder if anyone really cares. I mean honestly, a solid portion of blogging I know is kind of selfish since as bloggers we usually post our style, how we would do/wear things, and what we want which means I totally get when a follower sees something and is like ‘nope, not interested today.’ That’s the beauty of this hobby of mine, though. I can share whatever I want whenever I want; my true hope is that at least one person can relate or is inspired by it and if that’s the case, I can consider that post successful. 🙂 Wow, horrible tangent. SORRY, y’all! Back to the original topic: a Push-Up Challenge. How fun does that sound!? Maybe fun isn’t the right word but this will be the second time I’m doing the challenge and I’m hoping some of you will join me!

Round 1 Results

Spoiler alert: I did not create this challenge {I snagged it from a Health post-HERE-around Christmas last year} so I want to start off by saying that I cannot take credit for it. What I can say is that it honestly works and while it does get hard, it’s totally doable. Not everyone has 30+ minutes to set aside each day to get a workout in and I totally respect that; however I’m pretty sure everyone has 3-5 minutes that they can spare. While I personally combine this challenge with my usual workout routine, I would imagine you’d also be able to see legitimate results if this is all you do each day as well. There’s no guarantees you’ll have ripped-looking arms in 30 days but I can just about guarantee that you will be stronger than you were on Day 1. I personally committed to this challenge as part of my New Year’s Resolutions and I began it on January 1. Surprisingly enough I didn’t miss a single day and I could see/feel the results. My arms looked more toned, when I flexed there was actually muscle-YAY!–and my overall strength improved. I truly believe that the Push-Up Challenge was the perfect jump start for me to start lifting heavier weights and I’ve been able to maintain that since. I also felt pretty dang impressed that I could crank out 50 real push-ups!

Who is with me!?

It might seem like kind of an odd time to start this Push-Up Challenge again but with the holidays just around the corner, I’m using it as a way to get me in a healthier mindset before Thanksgiving. I’m starting THIS Sunday and would LOVE to have some ladies join me! Accountability in challenges like this is always key for me. Day 1 is as simple as 5 push-ups. You can even do them on your knees if you need to! The outline for the next 30 days is below. Screenshot it, print it out, whatever you want to do. Comment below if you’re committed to doing this with me! If you’d like to include your email address, I can totally create a quick email chain for encouragement with everyone! GOOD LUCK and I can’t wait to hear about and see everyone’s results! xox
