
I’m a list-maker. I love few things more than seeing items get checked off my lists and I love the feeling of accomplishing the tasks written down. Regardless of size or significance, I breathe easier knowing I got things done. Yes, I know, I’m weird–my parents told me that a long time ago! 😉 So for those that know me, it will come as no shock that I’ve put my 5 New Year’s Resolutions into list form via old-fashioned pen & paper. This year I really wanted to focus on attainable and easily measurable goals {Kyle noted that I used the ‘SMART’ goal-setting system, but I say I was just doing me. HA!} Many, ok maybe more like most, people find NY’s Resolutions cheesy and a waste of time, but I look at them as an opportunity to reflect on the positive and negatives from the past year and consciously decide what you want to work on, change, and/or achieve in the upcoming one. When I was thinking on what I wanted my 2016 to look like my mind kept zoning in on things related to Faith, Family, & Fitness {yes, mind-blowing!} so from there I came up with FIVE:

1) PRAY (Devotion) Daily: This is #1 because it should be and because if this area of my life is a consistent, well-oiled machine then everything else will fall into place. I have time to scroll Insta 20x/day so why can’t I dedicate 15-20 minutes each day for the One who created me? I also know that spending time in the Word will improve all facets of my life.

2) Meatless Mondays: Meat is not a bad thing, don’t get me wrong, but I really want to incorporate more veggies into my diet. I believe having a day dedicated to getting my nutrition from fruits, veggies, etc. will improve my choices for the rest of the week.

3) Practice Yoga 3x/week: My days and weeks, like most people’s, can be stressful from the typical trials and tribulations of life. Yoga has always been something that settles me down, calms my moods, and balances me out, so I want to focus on practicing yoga in some form 3x/week to make it habit. Plus the added stretching, flexibility, and strength is a great equalizer to my long runs and HIIT/OrangeTheory workouts.

4) Make time for ‘me’ weekly: How can I help others in my life if I’m neglecting myself? I kind of relate this to what airline stewards say about ‘adjusting your oxygen mask first before assisting others’ in that why should I dole out advice or suggestions if I’m not living those things out myself. This particular resolution in my mind is as simple as a pedicure after a long week, a bubble bath after a stressful workday, a solo coffee run to break-up a busy weekend or reading a book under a cozy blanket to zone out for a bit.

5) Travel: I’m keeping this resolution broad. Travel to me is one thing that truly does make you ‘richer’ when you spend money on it. I love planning trips, whether it’s a week getaway to a tropical location or a simple 1-day road trip to a local hot spot. I want to travel more. Sure I would love to make a list of cities to visit and check them off, but instead of that I’m keeping this open to traveling in general in hopes that I can hop on a few flights to never-before visited locales, set off on a few random car trips, and anything else that may arise!

In general I want what everyone wants: to be happy & healthy and for all of my family and those I love to be as well. You cannot control others or the outcomes of most situations but you can control your own attitude and reactions to things 100% of the time, so CHOOSE JOY. This is my philosophy this year. I’m truly going to try and live that out in every aspect of my life by striving for positivity in all circumstances. Ain’t nobody got time for negative people, places, or things, so say ‘Bye, Felicia’ to them. Like many of my yoga instructors say,‘let go of what does not serve you’ this year and lets get after 2016!

