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I cannot believe it’s already Thursday again.

Sure some days seem to drag on longer than others but I swear that each week flies by. I’ve been consciously trying to remind myself to stop and absorb the little things throughout each day. Whether those things are something as simple as the birds chirping outside our windows in the morning again {totally a sign of Spring!} or the cute little sisters holding hands at Target singing together, I am trying to appreciate moments versus wishing away the day or week. Definitely a struggle on some days, but worth focusing on for sure! So another Thursday is upon us and I’m back at you with my #ThursdayThree ๐Ÿ™‚

Trying to keep these posts more short & sweet but I like to ramble, so sometimes you just have to bear with me!

Now onto the three things I’ve been especially lovingย this week…

#1 Larabars – I’ve always been a fan of Larabars because they’re perfect for my active, on-the-go lifestyle. They are filling and consist of healthy, basic ingredients.ย I love them after workouts, as an afternoon snack, or {no judging} popped into the microwave for an after-dinner treat. With about a million flavor options, I can’t imagine someone not finding a kind they enjoyed. My favorites are Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough & Coconut Chocolate Chip. The chocolate-y ones of course. I always keep a few in my desk drawer to satisfy cravings and help me turn down the random desserts my co-workers tend to bring in!

#2 This Ab Workout – Everyone can spare 5 minutes in their day, for real. I love how quick and to-the-point this workout is. Add weight to your Boat Twists if you need more of a challenge or do this with only your body weight, super effective either way. Abs are made right now and Lord knows mine need work. My favorite part of this easy routine is the fact you can do it anywhere–home, hotel, outdoors, work, etc. No excuses!

#3 New Friendships – Making friends when you’re ‘older’ is hard. No one tells you that cultivating new relationships isn’t an easy task once you’re out of your high school & college days where it seems to easy to make instant, lifelong girlfriends…especially if you work in an extremely male-dominated office. Thankfully I have made two awesome new girl friends recently, Tanisha (Heels on A Farm) and Gina (Sweet & Modern), and I’m SO THANKFUL for both of them. They are both sweet, genuine, and also happen to share my passion for blogging. Cheers to new shopping buddies, workout partners, and wine enthusiasts! ๐Ÿ˜‰