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Workout Wednesday is undergoing a bit of a change.

With fitness & exercise being such a huge part of my life and daily routine, I wanted to figure out a way to continue with the Workout Wednesday series without burning myself out. While I absolutely love discovering new workouts, trying out new classes and adding different equipment to my routine, it isn’t always easy creating content for an entire WW post that is fresh & adaptable for every fitness level. So when something really speaks to me or I feel like I have one thing to specifically touch on, I’ll totally do that, but from now on my focus is going to be more of a recap of my week’s workouts. I’ve had various questions regarding how often I workout, to what intensity level, what I wear for any given workout, etc. so I feel like this is the perfect way to share those things week by week. Of course some weeks will suck and some will be super intense, so bare with the ebbs & flows PLEASE! 🙂 As a bit of a forewarning, my sister Cassidy is getting married in 3.5 weeks so my fitness regime is definitely more amp’d up than say a regular month. Lets see what this past week looked like in the life of Kristin’s exercise…

Recapping the week:

Wednesday (May 4) – OrangeTheory

It was an ‘E’ class day which means we focused on endurance which means I nearly died. Long blocks on the treadmill, distance rowing and light weight/high reps on the weight floor genuinely wore me out completely by the end of the 58 minute class. I burned 628 calories with 15 splat points and welcomed an ice cold shower as soon as I was done.

Thursday (May 5) – Active Rest

Because I find it incredibly hard to not do anything fitness-related during a day, I make sure my rest days are ‘active’ 95% of the time. Today I spent 30 minutes foam rolling my entire body as soon as I woke up. It hurt so good. I really paid attention to my hamstrings, IT band and calves because they needed a LOT of love. After dinner Kyle & I took Beckett on the quick 10-minute loop around our house to unwind and get some fresh air.

Friday (May 6) – OrangeTheory

Class was a 3 round / 3 set arrangement with one each of E-S-P (Endurance, Strength, Power) in a block. Rotating to each area of the studio 3x keeps my heart rate up and the variety ensures that I’m never looking at the clock. I recently started going to OTF on Fridays because I love the Instructor, Jeremy. He’s tough. Like really tough but his music selection (I swear he must use a baller 90s Spotify station because each song is better than the last!) makes it bearable. Plus I kind of like kicking off my weekend on the right note! We totaled 56 minutes where I burned 619 calories with 17 splat points.

Saturday (May 7) – Run/Walk with Beckett

I was up earlier than usual and not at home on Saturday morning so I had to improvise my morning workout. I was on a major time crunch {had to be in Vermillion, SD before 9am for Cassidy’s graduation} so Beckett and I headed out around my grandpa’s neighborhood for a 25 minute run/walk. There wasn’t any science behind this because sometimes Beckett runs great and other times he wanders all over the place so I kind of let him dictate which actually is not a bad thing because it keeps my heart rate varied.

Sunday (May 8) – Walk + Yoga

Sunday morning I was up before 7am to get my dad to the airport so again my workout was a bit unusual. When I made it back home it was absolutely gorgeous out so I grabbed Kyle & Beckett and we went for 45 minute walk, weaving in & out of the streets in our neighborhood and the nearby park. Despite what most people think about the Midwest being flat, our subdivision has a bunch of hills so it ends up being a pretty good leg/butt workout. Sunday evening I did this yoga video on the deck as the sun was setting.

Monday (May 9) – OrangeTheory

I walked into OTF to discover a Power workout on the agenda. After not getting a ton of sleep this weekend, I was quite nervous but ended up feeling really good for the entire class! We spent time on the treadmills focusing on longer push paces and then moving directly into all-out sprints, worked on the rowers for 250m + jump squats, jumping lunges with an insane number of repeats, and then moved to the weight floor where we combined heavy weights with mid-range repetition and then our body weight with the TRX straps. The entire workout I felt really solid and ended  the 62 minute class with 12 splat points and 638 calories burned.

Tuesday (May 10) – Intervals + Arms

I was SO sore after Monday’s OTF class that I knew I needed to do a similar workout this morning to loosen me up. I spent 30 minutes on the treadmill alternating between 1 minute of walking at 4.0mph and 30 seconds of jogging at 7.2mph, all at a 2.5% incline. After the interval set I did 3×12 lat pull-downs, flies, chest/shoulder openers, and bicep curls. For each of the four moves I did 1/2 the weight I would usually do. I cooled down with about 5 minutes of light stretching.

What I Wear

Now that I’ve altered the way this series works a bit, I’m going to try & take a photo of what I wear to exercise in each morning so that y’all can get a feel for what I choose to put on for each different type of workout I’m going to be doing. I will apologize in advance that I usually rarely match and since I workout in the early AM, you won’t see my wearing any makeup in any of the photos. Since I failed this past week at taking photos, I’m limited on what I have but I will say that I always wear capri leggings {like these} to OTF with a semi-fitted tank top {like this one} and my Nike Pegasus 32s; for outside runs & walks it depends on the temps but I’m usually in a pair of leggings {like these} or shorts {obsessed with this style} and a dri-fit top. Stay tuned for more apparel looks next Wednesday! And let me know your thoughts–is this style of post ok!? What could be better or what else would you like to see?!