So this is 30, I guess! Where in the world did my 20s go!?

I honestly feel like I blinked and now I’m forging into a new decade. Don’t get me wrong, I am not sorry to be getting older. I am feeling lucky, blessed, thankful, nervous, overwhelmed and just every other feeling today. So many good friends have said that their 30s have been amazing so I’m hoping the same for me. When I woke up this morning I didn’t feel any different. Go figure! But I did/do have a sense of calm. Both physically and mentally, I’m in the best shape of my life. I feel strong. I am absolutely more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I’m accepting of what has and hasn’t happened in my life. There were some damn good times in my 20s but I’m so looking forward to what this new time is going to bring!

I’ve gotten great responses with more personal posts in the past. I also love seeing others do ‘About Me’ posts, so today I wanted to do something fun. Below I’m sharing 30 fun bits, things you might not know and random facts about myself. Hopefully it’s as fun for you to read as it was for me to write. Here we go…this is 30 for me. <3

1 // I am putting my name in for the NYC Marathon in January even though I’ve never ran one and don’t really have a desire to actually run 26.2 miles.

2 // I need some kind of chocolate after dinner every night.

3 // My back is really messed up. Like a herniated disc, a partially herniated disc, sciatica…

4 // I can’t set my alarm for an even time. Right now my weekday alarms are for 4:43am & 4:47am.

5 // Any book or show about serial killers or drug lords goes on my ‘to read’ or ‘to watch’ list.

6 // The sight of Blueberry Vodka immediately makes me nauseous.

7 // I have a reoccurring dream every few months about a Southwest plane I’m on crashing into the hills but I’m no longer on it, instead I’m running away from it when it actually crashes.

8 // Puzzles are very therapeutic to me.

9 // A major pet peeve of mine is people who don’t shut toilet seats.

10 // I have 0 tattoos. But I am considering one!

11 // I wanted to be a Sports Broadcaster {like Hannah Storm} when I grew up.

12 // My dream vacation is a Central European trip: Croatia, Hungary & Austria.

13 // Peanut Butter is by far my favorite food.

14 // I love writing and always have a pen & paper next to my bed.

15 // Interior Design/decorating is a secret passion of mine.

16 // I graduated from Iowa State in 3 years.

17 // We would own 20 dogs. If they didn’t shed.

18 // Bungee Jumping in New Zealand is on my bucket list.

19 // Hydrangeas are my favorite flower. Blue ones in particular.

20 // I love cooking; especially trying out new recipes and creating my own.

21 // For 3 years I refused to date Kyle but his determination and persuasiveness wore me down.

22 // I don’t like my toes touching so I hate wearing socks.

23 // Never have I ever gotten a speeding ticket. Lets hope I didn’t just jinx myself.

24 // My eyes are my favorite physical feature.

25 // I’m obsessed with sunrises and sunsets.

26 // Road trips with my family are one of my favorite things.

27 // My biggest fear isn’t snakes, spiders or the dark…it’s onions in my food.

28 // I am always freezing cold. My ideal outside temperature is upper 80s.

29 // I could never again have caffeine, as long as I could still do decaf soy lattes.

30 // Scalding hot showers, Pinot Noir, Netflix binges, raw cookie dough and Lululemon leggings are my guilty pleasures.

That, my friends, is a little bit more about me. This was fun. So I guess it’s really happening: this is 30. Bring. It. On!