Why I Love On Running
Why I Love On Running

If you follow me on social media, then it’s safe to assume you’ve been that I have a bit of an obsession with On Running. I’m constantly answering DMs & questions about my shoes and gear so I figured it was about time I dove more into WHY I love On Running. {On a side note: I’m not being paid to talk about this…I just wanted to get all my thoughts down in one place so y’all can reference back to it at any time!} I first discovered the brand back in December 2018 when I was on the Road Runner Sports site looking for a new pair of running shoes for the 2019 season. I was intrigued by the On options I saw but wasn’t entirely convinced. So I decided to order the newest version of the typical New Balance Zantes I had been wearing for 3+ years AND the On Cloud X. Figured I’d give them a try but was pretty sure I’d be returning them. Welllllllll I kept them and the rest is history…

Why I Love On Running

Why I love On Running: The Pros

Comfort – this is a no-brainer to start with. My #1 ‘Why I love On Running’ reason is the comfort of the shoes. My feet are HAPPY post-run. Regardless of the distance or workout. ‘Soft landings with explosive take-offs’ is their line and it holds true. As someone with narrow feet, high-arches and a neutral strike, I often find most running shoes are TOO cushioned for me. My Cloud X and Cloudflow styles are perfect for my personal preference and needs. **I do want to mention that I don’t run more than ~4 miles in my Xs as I start to notice some shin pain past that. They’re great for quick runs, walks & HIIT/Orangetheory style workouts in my opinion. My Cloudflows have never given me any sort of issue no matter the distance.**

Pain Relief/Injury Free – Prior to running exclusively in my Ons, I was having on/off issues with hip pain and right knee pain. I credit my shoes to saving me from that…but I’m also well aware that an improved weightlifting regime that focuses heavily on glute/hamstring/core strength + regular functional chiropractic care are also factors. Shoes can’t do everything, ya know 😉 Truly I do believe that my shoe change did play a large part though — my chiropractor even agrees!

Quality – These shoes LAST. Plain and simple. The Swiss Engineering is complimented by the fact that the design and materials have been tested and tested again. Not just their shoes are top quality, their apparel is too. You name it, I now have it: full-length tights, 7/8 leggings, shorts, performance long sleeve, active tank, hoodie, sweats, vest, jacket, socks… Nothing is ‘cheap’ but neither is quality. I find myself repeatedly reaching for my On apparel pieces because their quality cannot be beat.

Customer Service / Fit Quiz – Their online chat feature (currently unavailable due to high volume) is super helpful and their reps are incredibly knowledgeable and helpful. The FIT QUIZ is a great way to find out what the best style option is for you, especially if you’re unable to get in to or don’t have a local, specialty running store. The detail they give on weight, drop, etc. is insightful and their 30 day return policy allows for plenty of time to ensure the style you choose fits you perfectly.

Why I love On Running: The (one) Con

As you can imagine, no shoe is truly perfect. At least I haven’t found one. While this ‘con’ may seem insignificant, I think it could be a deal-breaker for some. The single small complaint I have about On shoes is something I’ve experienced with each of my pairs: a longer-than-usual break-in period. Back to those tried & true Zantes…I could lace up a brand new pair straight off the UPS truck and run a half marathon in them without issue. Not true for me with On. On average it’s taken me 15-20 miles to get them to a place where I’d call them ‘ready.’ For my training, that’s about a 1-2 week time frame since I only wear new shoes in on recovery runs until they’re fully broken in.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the brand! What are your favorite running shoes? Please share in the comments below. xox