Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday

Well this isn’t the attitude I typically have on Workout Wednesday. Wednesdays are usually so good for me: Arm Day + Recovery Miles after a Tuesday of hard, but great, speed work. NOT THIS WORKOUT WEDNESDAY. Can you sense my vibe in those capital letters? My...
Monday Musings – Vol 3

Monday Musings – Vol 3

I’m ON TIME this week! Monday Musings – Vol 3 is here and ready for you to enjoy. Maybe a few hours too late to read over coffee, maybe a few hours too early to read over a glass of wine… So basically I’ll keep trying harder. HA! Apparently the...
August Best Sellers

August Best Sellers

Somehow we’re 10 days into a new month and I’d like to know where the heck time goes? I had every intention of doing this August Best Sellers post last week. But per usual, life had other plans. One of the coolest things about this month’s roundup is...
Workout Wednesday

Workout Wednesday

I miss races. Real races. The ones where you have a crowded starting line and people giving high-fives along the course. I miss those bad. Workout Wednesday posts were meant to be a recap of what workouts looked like for me over the past week, and Saturday I...
Monday Musings – Vol 2

Monday Musings – Vol 2

Nothing like Monday Musings – Vol 2 hitting y’all hard on a Tuesday! Blaming the long weekend. Almost like a Labor Day hangover, expect not alcohol-induced. I would love to advocate for consistent 3 day weekends. So much more refreshing, less rushing...